ASTHMA - General information
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a chronic illness that can range from mild to severe. This means there is no cure, it will always affect your lungs to a certain extent. Asthma affects 8.4% of Canadians. Uncontrolled asthma is very common, however, proper medication and good self-management skills can help most people gain control of their asthma.
When someone has asthma, factors in the environment and physical processes inside the body can activate your immune system. Normally, the body’s immune system protects us from harmful bacteria, viruses, allergens and toxins. But in asthma, the immune system reacts to things that do not necessarily pose a threat, such as allergens (e.g. dust mites in the air you breathe, pet dander, pollens, etc.). Protective cells release chemicals that cause swelling in the airways.
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What are the symptoms of asthma?
Asthma can range from very mild to more severe. Here are some of the common symptoms of asthma that are caused by airway inflammation and muscle spasm:
- Cough, with or without mucus/phlegm (e.g. bringing up phlegm)
- Shortness of breath
- Tightening of the chest
- Wheezing
- Activity limitation
Symptoms may be triggered or worsened by factors such as viral infections, common allergens, irritants (tobacco smoke, strong odors), exercise and stress. In some cases, these respiratory symptoms can also be triggered by exercise or occur at night. Speak with your resource person (your asthma educator) to check what symptoms you may still feel when you are at your best.
How to know if my asthma is well controlled?
Good asthma control means your symptoms (including flare-ups or periods of worsening of symptoms) are minimized. The following are indicators of asthma control:
- Daytime symptoms occur three times per week or less
- You don't miss school, work or your activities because of asthma symptoms. Your asthma doesn’t get in the way of exercise and physical activity
- Symptoms do not disturb your sleep (or at most only one night a week)
- You need your reliever (rescue medication) less than four times per week
How is asthma managed?
Remember: The goal of properly managing your disease is to achieve control. The following must be included in a comprehensive treatment plan for asthma:
- Taking your medication as prescribed
- Preventing and controlling flare-ups or worsening of symptoms by following your Asthma Action Plan
- Engaging in physical activity and exercise. If you need support, you may join a pulmonary rehabilitation program
- Avoiding triggers in your environment and making changes to your lifestyle to stay healthy
The objective will be to optimize your global treatment and help you master the needed skills to manage your disease on a day-to-day basis.
It is important to contact your doctor and resource person when you have a flare-up so that they may guide you with your Action Plan and monitor your improvement. People with more severe or frequent symptoms may need to be followed more closely to monitor lung function and to review their Asthma Action Plan.
Can people with asthma get better?
Asthma can have an impact on your job, hobbies, and social relationships. You and your loved ones may worry about the next time your symptoms get out of control.
However, there are many things that can be done to help you managing this chronic disease. Your doctor may refer you to other professionals (respiratory educator, pharmacist, social worker, etc.) to help you explore ways to cope with your asthma.
How professionals can help you manage your asthma
- Ensure you take your medication as prescribed and voice your concerns about your asthma and your medication
- Check your inhaler technique so you become an expert at it
- Develop and integrate your Asthma Action Plan
- Give you tips to improve your asthma control and avoid triggers (allergies, infections, etc.)
- Cope better with any difficulties: depression, stress, anxiety, social factors
- For some people, assess and manage co-morbidities (other health conditions associated with your asthma)
Severe Asthma
What is Severe Asthma?
Severe Asthma is a type of asthma that’s really hard to manage, even if you take lots of medicine. It’s the most serious form of asthma and can be very dangerous.
It can affect you in many ways, often with more frequent and severe symptoms than just the shortness of breath that many get with milder forms of asthma. Patients with this condition are likely to have frequent asthma flare-ups that affect their ability to do day-to-day things.
How many people live with Severe Asthma in Canada?
Asthma Canada estimates that between 230,000 and 465,000 Canadians are living with this condition. This represents about 5-10% of all individuals diagnosed with asthma. The impact of severe asthma is more serious compared to those with milder forms of the disease, with a higher rate of death.
Asthma causes the deaths of over 250 Canadians a year. That is why it is so important that this condition be managed effectively.
What is the Main Difference Between Mild-to-Moderate Asthma and Severe Asthma?
The main difference between mild-to-moderate asthma and severe asthma is the frequency and intensity of symptoms, the level of medication required to control symptoms, and the affect of these symptoms on daily life.
Here are the key differences between mild-to-moderate asthma and severe asthma:
- Frequency and degree of symptoms: in patients with mild-to-moderate disease, symptoms are less frequent and less severe, and can be controlled with as-needed medication. Patients with severe asthma experience more frequent and severe symptoms, which can impact daily living and quality of life.
- Medication and Control: People with mild-to-moderate asthma usually manage it with low doses of medication that may or may not be needed on a daily basis. But people with severe asthma generally need to be on much higher daily doses of medication, often with other types of advanced therapies to maintain good control of their asthma.
- Risk of Exacerbations (flare-ups): People with severe asthma are at higher risk of frequent and serious exacerbations, which can be life-threatening and might require urgent medical care or hospitalization. In people with mild-to-moderate asthma, exacerbations are generally less severe and happen less often.
- Lifestyle impact: Mild-to-moderate asthma can sometimes be a small annoyance, but severe asthma can be life changing. It might limit physical activity, involve a lot of trips to the doctor, missing work or school and involve constant adjustments to medications to prevent serious symptoms and exacerbations.
- Treatment Response: Patients with mild/moderate asthma have a good response to asthma treatments. Those with severe asthma usually have a less predictable response to treatments and may need more medications and specialized therapies.
These differences show the need for a precise diagnosis and an individualized treatment plan, especially for those with severe asthma, to help their wellbeing quality of life.
Severe Asthma Action Plan
A Severe Asthma Action Plan is a personalized guide developed by healthcare professionals to help individuals with severe asthma manage their condition. It outlines specific actions to take based on the severity of symptoms, helping patients maintain control over their asthma and react quickly and appropriately when symptoms worsen.
At Respiplus we have created a FREE Severe Asthma Action Plan to provide you with the tools you need to manage your sypmtoms and improve your quality of life.
Download our Severe Asthma Action Plan and work with your healthcare professional to tailor it to your specific needs.
It’s It’s completely free. Simply click the button below to get started: