Latest News
Understanding Inhaled Medication for Asthma and COPD
An in-depth guide to how inhalers treat asthma and COPD, and everything you need to know about using them, including advice on inhaler devices: MDIs (metered dose inhale), DPIs (dry powder inhalers) and beyond – to put your lung health and your life on track.
The Ultimate Guide to Treating COPD Flare-Ups
Discover expert tips for managing COPD flare-ups with our comprehensive guide. Learn to recognize early symptoms, understand triggers, and find out about the latest treatments. Improve your quality of life with actionable advice and download our free COPD Action Plan today.

Primary Care COVID-19 Management: How Family Physicians Keep Us Safe
Explore the immune system’s impact on COVID-19 with Dr. Anne Ellis on the eXpand Podcast. Learn about the importance of vaccines and navigate potential long-term complications arising from COVID-19.

Understanding COVID-19’s Impact on Our Lungs
Explore the immune system’s impact on COVID-19 with Dr. Anne Ellis on the eXpand Podcast. Learn about the importance of vaccines and navigate potential long-term complications arising from COVID-19.

Exploring the Intersection of COVID-19 and Immunosuppression
Explore the immune system’s impact on COVID-19 with Dr. Anne Ellis on the eXpand Podcast. Learn about the importance of vaccines and navigate potential long-term complications arising from COVID-19.

Decoding the Link between COVID-19 and Endocrinology
Discover the link between endocrine diseases and COVID-19 with Dr. Akshay Jain on the eXpand Podcast. Learn how conditions like diabetes and obesity affect the body’s response, potential complications, and preventive measures.

Navigating the Unknown Terrain of Long COVID
Explore the immune system’s impact on COVID-19 with Dr. Anne Ellis on the eXpand Podcast. Learn about the importance of vaccines and navigate potential long-term complications arising from COVID-19.

Unraveling the Connection between COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases
Dive into the link between COVID-19 and cardiovascular health with Dr. Kim Connelly in our latest podcast. Learn about risks, lifestyle changes, and the role of vaccinations.

Breathing Easy: Navigating COPD with effective techniques
Discover how pharmacists tackle challenges in managing chronic respiratory diseases. Join our podcast to explore the evolving role of pharmacy and gain insights into the shift towards a balanced approach between medicine distribution and clinical care for effective respiratory condition management.

Living longer with COPD, beyond living better
Discover how pharmacists tackle challenges in managing chronic respiratory diseases. Join our podcast to explore the evolving role of pharmacy and gain insights into the shift towards a balanced approach between medicine distribution and clinical care for effective respiratory condition management.
Webinar Replay
Optimal Practice and Vaccination Update for Your Respiratory Patients