The expand Podcast:
Respiratory Explained

Discover insights and practical tips while we unravel the complexities of lung health and empower healthcare professionals.

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About The eXpand Podcast

The eXpand Podcast was created by Respiplus, a non-profit organization.

We develop educational programs to help those with chronic lung conditions to better understand and manage their disease.

Our programs are evidence-based and have been demonstrated to improve people’s lives in multiple clinical trials, resulting in better quality of life, reduced hospital admissions and emergency room visits.


Inside The eXpand Podcast

Our mission is simple: we want to empower healthcare professionals with science-based education and tools that you can apply in real life.

Introducing our thoughtfully crafted seasons, each dedicated to a specific topic of lung health, providing in-depth insights and practical knowledge:

Meet the experts

Every episode we bring renowned experts in the respiratory field to provide diverse experiences and uncover top industry knowledge:

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