August 28, 2023 Le COVID long, également connu sous le nom de séquelles post-aiguës de l'infection par le SRAS-CoV-2 (PASC), peut provoquer des symptômes persistants et débilitants qui peuvent durer des mois après[...] Nouvelle série éducative : Mieux vivre au-delà de la COVID-19
June 15, 2023 Chronic cough is a complex condition that poses challenges for healthcare professionals in accurately diagnosing and effectively managing patients. Learn about the causes and symptoms. Understanding Chronic Cough: Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis
May 30, 2023 We are very excited to announce our new FREE course “The Chronic Cough Patient Journey”. New FREE Course: The Chronic Cough Patient Joruney
December 6, 2022 Chronic Cough is often times still thought of as a symptom of another disease process and not a separate disease in itself. Which, in many cases, it is. In this[...] The Importance of Education in Chronic Cough
November 15, 2022 People with chronic cough can suffer with this symptom for years without a proper diagnosis and treatment. This is because chronic cough is difficult to diagnose, and there are many[...] The Role of Pharmacists in Chronic Cough
September 12, 2022 What is the most common symptom that brings patients in to see their family doctor? Cough. In fact, Chronic Cough makes up to 40% of patient referrals to lung specialists[...] Why We Need Chronic Cough Clinics