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COPD Chronicles: Tracing the journey
COPD remains an underfunded and underdiagnosed health issue in the United States. In today’s episode, the discussion centers around the state of COPD care, research, and awareness, as well as the role of the COPD Foundation in driving change in the delivery of care.

COPD of all severities
Join Dr. Meilan Han and explore the dynamic COPD research landscape – from gender disparities to treatable traits – shaping a brighter future for millions in healthcare.

Living Longer with COPD (the full perspective)
Join Dr. François Maltais in this week’s episode as we discuss how pulmonary rehabilitation, technology, and early diagnosis are reshaping COPD care.

COPD: the ignored killer
Explore the evolving landscape of COPD treatment with Dr. Moises Bhutani. Discover how we’re revolutionizing care, integrating therapies, and improving outcomes. Join us on the journey to transform COPD management.

COPD: the ignored epidemic
In today’s podcast episode, we talked about COPD, how it affects people, and the work of COPD Canada to give patients a stronger voice.

Post-COVID Condition: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals
A comprehensive guide to understanding, diagnosing, and treating post-COVID condition.

Understanding Chronic Cough: Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis
Chronic cough is a complex condition that poses challenges for healthcare professionals in accurately diagnosing and effectively managing patients. Learn about the causes and symptoms.

New FREE Course: The Chronic Cough Patient Joruney
We are very excited to announce our new FREE course “The Chronic Cough Patient Journey”.

New Education Series: Living Well Beyond COVID-19
Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), can cause persistent and debilitating symptoms that can last for months after the initial COVID-19 infection.
This can have a significant impact on the quality of life and daily functioning of those affected.
🎉 But we have great news: we are launching a new educational series in our website: Living Well Beyond COVID-19.

The Importance of Education in Chronic Cough
Chronic Cough is often times still thought of as a symptom of another disease process and not a separate disease in itself. Which, in many cases, it is.
In this blog we will look at the importance of education in chronic cough. Education in chronic cough is important for medical school students, residents, and physicians alike.
Webinar Replay
Optimal Practice and Vaccination Update for Your Respiratory Patients